
Inspired by an (( article )) from DJ Nutritious from NYC I add some vids of makin "green smoothies". Here in Holland I think most people only use kale to make (a winterdish) "kale stew" (which I like very much by the way). But a tasty raw smoothie in the morning.. hmm.. have to try it. Definitely healthy. Haven't seen all the vids yet, and will review them later. Remove or add other ones, but... it is quite time consuming to pick out the best vids. Sorry to say, some are utter boring, tmi or bad filming etc etc. Note to self: add Vimeo vids (better quality) and some information about Maca, Chia seeds etc.

About DJ Nutritious. Visit his (( website )) if you want to find out more about him.

Zoe Wilder and DJ Nutritious

Vitamix Blender..a wannahave!!