Mashed potatoes

I just always love mashed potatoes. Browsing on the net I saw this recipe. Quite "full" recipe. A (small) dollop should be more than enough if you serve with more dishes.

Last week I had dinner at my sisters house. Friends were cooking for her and he made an amazing tasty mashed potatoes. Secret ingredient: truffes oil... man man, that was so good. Still have to ask what brand oil he used. This one had a strong flavor. Served with cucumber salad, salmon and broccoli. Fantastic.

Heston Blumenthal

Basisrecept voor 4 personen

Schil 800 g kruimige aardappels en snijd ze in stukjes. Kook de aardappels in zout water ongeveer 15 minuten tot ze goed gaar zijn. Afgieten en samen met 200 ml lauwe melk en 2 eetlepels boter tot een puree stampen.

  • 125 g warme kokosmelk ipv 200 ml melk en 1 theelepel milde currypoeder
  • 2 theelepels fijngehakte kappertjes en 4 fijngesneden gedroogde tomaten
  • 2 lente-uitjes in ringen en 2 tot 3 eetlepels creme fraich
  • 1 tot 2 eetlepels goede truffelolie